Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Macam-macam hal

hanYesterday, I got a really heavy cough. Flu as well. Letih aku duk batuk kat opis. Then I got an email regarding a meeting from 4.30 - 6.00 pm. Whattt??? Aku lemah betul kalo buat meeting time2 nak balik cam tuh! Buhsan woooo...
Then the idea was coming... why not just got MC today? Bukan senang woo nak dapat MC ni. Lagipun bukan selalu sakit, and I really2 not feeling well at that time. Strategik la tu kan??? So, terus aku bagitau superiorku..En.Din yang aku nak kuar gi klinik. Kalo dapat MC balik terus. Hehehehe... idea mantap beb!!!
Sebetulnya, aku terus balik. Memang gi klinik, tp klinik kat umah aku le. Lepas makan ubat... terus tido. Alahaiii... nikmatnya tido tanpa gangguan ni! Sesedar dah kul 3.00.

Tapi, pagi ni, I got another email from my superior mention that our boss quite unhappy due to I can't attend the meeting and got to replace by someone from our dpmt. Cehhh!!! Tak paham ke org tak sihat? Takkan nak paksa masuk meeting gak? Kalo masuk pun konpem aku tak leh nak concentrate on the issue that being disscussed! Boring betul aku org tua nih! Sib baik superior ku itu dah bagitau awal2 dalam email... don't be sad. Tapi tak best gak lah kannnn... Lantak dia lah!

OK. Cerita lain lak...
On the way to office yesterday, I heard Fly fm. Masa tu ada Alarm Call Pagi Show. They call someone early2 in the morning gitu.. dalam kul 6 pg kutt... So org tu tgh mamai2 lagi take the call.
DJ: Is it Lewis Loo (x igt dah nama apa.. aku hentam je)
Lewis: Yeah (sore serak2 lagi ni. x bgn pun lagi)
DJ: I'm John from TNB. You not pay your electricity bill for quite sometimes.
Lewis: Really? How much is it?
DJ:..... (aku lupa berapa dia cakap). Somebody will come to your house and cut the electric.
Lewis: Ooo.. ok..ok.. I'll pay the bill after this.
DJ: wakakakaka (gelak tak hengattt) We're from fly fm and you just got an alarm call!!!
Lewis: (Blur) Hehehe...
DJ: Your girlfriend has sent your info for me to make this call. Do you know her?
Lewis: I dont got any
DJ: Really? Her message here is...bla..bla..bla...I love you
Lewis: Oooo... (blur lagi)
DJ: I guess you got a secret admirer here. So, you wanna say something to anyone?
Lewis: I want to say to...(minah mana ntah)
DJ: Who's that?
Lewis: The girl who sent this alarm call
DJ: ooo.. so you know your admirer? What is it?
Lewis: To (that minah).... I love you.
DJ: Woooaaaa!!!

Dengan aku2 sekali sengih2 atas keta. Lawak gak mamat tu. But, is it sweet??? Sometime I guess it is.. sometime not! Menyampah pun ada. Tapi dear hubby love to hear this kind of show. He love to hear Flirty at Ten Thirty. Aku pun suka gak. Ada yang jadik... ada yang tak jadik. Well... macam2 cara nak mengorat skang ni. Layan je....

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