Wednesday, October 29, 2008

After a long break - Part 1

It's 4 days break ok! Again... 4 days break! Hehehehe... It is wonderful? Yes... I might say it when you really need a break from all those hanky panky things. Actually it's not that bad... biasa2 je. Aku je yang lebih2.

Well... we start it on Saturday
The plan was to go to Ijan's open house and my company's Jamuan Raya. So, we decided to go after Asar prayer. Our day start when the youngest member of our family keep knocking hubby's face. Sapa lagi kalo bukan budak cute Iqmi tu. When we're bathing him, somebody rang the door bell. It's Kak Su, bringing a big news - she just killed a cat!!! Hahaha... Lawak pun ada gak. So, after the 'accident' she just drove straight away to our house to ask hubby to through away that poor cat. Don't even close the house gate coz she don't have a heart to take a look at the cat. She said, normally, when she start the engine, the cat will ran away from the car. But, it's not for this cat. She don't even know that there's a cat under her car. I guess the cat was laying right behind the car's tyre. Duhhhh.... what a tragedy!

I was about to tell hubby that we should go to Ijan's house before Asar since it will last at 6.00pm. I dun think we can make it before 6.00 if we go after Asar. Ye lah... gedebak gedebuk pun... around 5 baru boleh gerak. But, due to cough syrup that I took, it really make me sleepy. Giler ngantok sampai taklek bukak mata! I have to struggle to wake up and take a bath to solat Zuhur and Asar as well. 2 dalam 1 beb!!! Hampeh betul aku! So, kitorang gerak kul 5 jugak. Gamble je lah. It's not the food thats matter but the host. I just want to see the friends that haven't been meet for a long time. As per expected, we manage to get there around 6 after crawling along the road. Giler jammed jalan weekend ni. Thank God, Ijan herself who took me in. Takde lah malu sangat. Lagipun masa tu org dah tak ramai, other friends just went home before I get there. Tak sempat jumpa jugak...
After eating and borak-ing, we went to Carrefour. Ye lah, malam nanti nak gi my company's lak. Takde keja aku nak balik and datang balik. Plan nak solat Maghrib kat surau tu, but so crowded. Tandas sket punyer besar. Kata negara Islam.. tapi surau kecikkk je provide. Tapi at least ok la.. ada surau, ada shopping complex lagi hampeh. Bayang surau pun takde.
So, we went to Masjid at Keramat to perform our Maghrib. Then straight to my company's. It's just same as previous, the tit-bits, the duit raya, the menus. Except the perfomance artis. Staff je nyanyi tahun ni. Alah... bukan dengar sangat pun. Nak makan je. Iqmi pun tido masa ni. Poor him, we didn't bring the stroller along. Terpaksalah tido atas dukung mama n papa je. We went back around 9.30 pm.

What happen on Sunday?
The neighbour called hubby said that our Taman's Jamuan Raya start at 9. He called around 10.45. So, speed it up, we get prepared by 11.00. Iqmi pun aku tak mandikan. Tukar baju je. Hahahaha... ala.. bukan org tahu pun. Baby always smell good no matter in what condition they are, aren't they? He wore Baju Melayu lagi!
The menu - so - so. I just ate beehon sup and cakes. Looks like wanna take nasi dagang as well, tapi dear hubby said, it farrrrr beyond our expectations. Nasi cam pulut. So tak jadi lah aku nak menketedarah nasi dagang tu.
After Zohor, went to Pandan - dear hubby's friend's open house. Haiqal makan bertambah, saje ngade sbb aku yang suapkan. Kalo makan sendiri, konpem tak abis. That's why I prefer to feed him rather than leave to him to eat by himself. Menu sedap gak, especially gulai daging tu. Ikan masin pun menambah selera gua!
The last destination was Mc Chang's house at Taman Permata. Fuh... Mc Chang really put on weight. Bertambah2 chubby + sehat!!! Bahagialah katakan... Let her be, as she's happy that way. Here, I manage to eat rojak buah and nasi again! Haiqal dah amik lollypop awal2 lagi. Nasi dah tolak tepi. Ye lah... kawan tu dah kenyang. Iqmi pun tertido kat sini menten hensem ngan baju melayu dia. Hehehehe...
So, every meal was covered - breakfast, lunch and dinner. Balik... just get ourselves clean, and ready to go to bed.

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