Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back to school...again!

I'm on leave for 2 days to settle up Haiqal's registration day at both his school - sekolah agama and sekolah kebangsaan. Phew!!! Giler letih. Cam kerja lak.

At his Sekolah Agama

Tapi hari ni, dah slow down. I let Haiqal go to school by his school bus. Ye lah, bayar sama gak. Dah tu tak turun2 pun tambang. Minyak naik dia naik, minyak turun, dia remain cam tu gak. Sabar je lah aku!

At his Sekolah Kebangsaan - he's quite ashamed coz his mother yang over amik gambar. hik...hik...

Hari ni bleh lah aku merileks kan diri. Giler rileks sampai blogging pun atas katil ni. Wakakakaka... susah gak blogging sambil baring ni. Asik silap taip je. Nyampahsss...

Well... dear hubby pun start keja at his previous workplace. Suka la tu. Org kata giler talak pun menten senyum. Hari tu, dia gak mintak tukar. Setahun je tahan, mintak masuk balik. Anyway, as long as his happy with his work, it doesn't matter where is it. Kalo nak ikutkan, dulu dekat giler tempat keja compared to his workplace now. Keja pun lagi banyak. Tapi dah dia suka cam tu, let he be then...

As for me, based on last Fri meeting, I'll be no longer involve in my current project. Project Manager and Project Director has been changed as well. Terasa tak best lak tinggal separuh jalan cam tu. Almost 70% done. But, kena la ikut kata boss. Rasanya pas ni will be quite busy as I'm in charge in daily operational punya tasks. Aku nak join project Putrajaya pun tak lepas. Kalo tak dekat sket ngan rumah. Adoihh.. tu lah kalo dah jadi kuli ni. Nanti aku jadik boss seksok, blehlah aku buat ikut suka aku. Tapi ntah bila lah tu.... takpe, niat tu ada.

Esok, dah masuk keja. Thinking about the traffic jammed (which I bet will be really bad during this school hour) makes me stressed all out! Duh....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

salam....selamat mendaftar anak ke sekolah...