Friday, January 29, 2010

Green Day and KPI

My company has lauching Green Day today. So, everybody was wearing GREEN as per instructed by the committee. Aku? Hehehehe... kemain menyeport - sampai gi beli baju baru kaler hijau kat JJ hari tu. But, end up.. aku pakai baju lain. Hahahaha!!!

So, what the agenda? Biasa la.. kunun nak menyelamatkan bumi gitu misinya. Tp, time refreshment, pakai pinggan polisteren gak. Pakai botol air mineral gak. Camno tuh? Lantak la. Tang makan free tu penting sebenarnya. Ahaks...

So, apart from launching the Green Day, there's another ceremony to be launched. That was our company's KPI. Haa.. lupa lak. Actually, we got new MD this year. The previous one was retired and being replaced by this one from DIGI. So, lain org lain approach nyer.

What the KPI? Yang aku igt, there's 4 of it, which is:
  1. Excellent customer experience

  2. Revenue growth

  3. Operational excellent

  4. Employee engagement

Frankly speaking, there's not much differ from the previous one. Kona sana, baring sini, it's more likely what we have been practised before. Tp... tu la.. layan je la!

Ni lah KPI aku masa bulan posa ari tu... belajar buat ketupat. Hahahaha!!!

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