Monday, January 18, 2010

Dugaan yang maha hebat!

Last Fri, while in the midst of meeting with all managers (aku je bukan) I got a call from dear hubby. "Yang, rumah kita kena pecah!" Haa...!!! My hands shaking. Oh nooo... How? Dun the neighbour notice about it? Semua jiran sebelah menyebelah, depan rumah ada kat rumah. After the conversation done - dear hubby said he's waiting for police, terus aku menonong bagitau bos, "I kena balik, rumah I kena pecah!". Bos aku cam tercengang but aku terus blah.

Hati dah dup dap dup dap. Tak henti2 aku doa, mintak2 semua selamat. While reach MRR2, there's heavy traffic jammed. Goshhh!!! Mencabar kesabaran sungguh. Maybe sebab aku dah stressed sangat, I cursed out "Ni menatang mana lak mampos?" Well... dalam keadaan cam tu, cam2 yang boleh kuar. Really regret it. Rerupanya memang betol. Ada accident, keta langgar pokok. The ambulance was there, and the people buzy looking around. Lagi la hangennn...

Lepas tu, jalan memang clear. Sampailah kat sekolah cina area rumah aku. Another jammed coz the parent pick up their kids. Sekali lagi aku menyumpah. Selalu balik kul 6.30 naper hari ni blom kul 6 dah balik? Aduhhh... Sabar lah hati.

Finally, I reached my home. Dear hubby was in front of the house with the neighbours. Talking around. Right after I parked the car, terus aku masuk rumah nak tgk. Firstly, aku tgk, pemegang padlock kat grill sliding door was broken. Then, aku naik atas, master bedroom. Ya Allahhh.... habih sepah. Semua kain baju mangkuk ayun tuh geledah, the drawer was opened. I feel like crying. Dear hubby asked me not to touch anything as police want to investigate on it.

Habih semua kain baju mangkuk ayun tu kerjakan

All I can see was messy all around the house. Arghhhh.... sad, frust, tension, mad... I'm going crazy! Sungguh berat dugaan yang Allah turunkan kali ni. All I can do is just, istighfar..istighfar..istighfar. Moga2 aku terus sabar dan redha atas apa yang terjadi. Alhamdulillah... Aku tak menangis even a drop of tear. Ye... aku redha.

Letih nak mengemas balik

According to dear hubby, he went home around 3.30 pm. But before reach home, he went to 3 different banks to withdraw some money. Kenapa sampai 3? Coz the bank got a problem with his myKad, which the system cannot read the cip. Sampai rumah, nothing happen. The house still in the same condition where we left it on the morning. Then, he laid down on the sofa downstairs to relax. Around 4, he got a phone call from somebody, which he already planned to met. He went out to see that guys without locking our main gate, consider that he'll not be long.

He back around 4.45. Noticed that Iqmy's stroller wasn't there. We put it in front of the house. Dia dah cuak. Celaka... ada org curi stroller! Still didn't notice the sliding door and the grill was broken. When he enter the main gate, he saw the sliding door wasn't closed properly, and the grill was broken. Terus dia tak jadi masuk, panggil akak sebelah rumah. Akak tu lak, suh anak dia temankan dear hubby. Laki aku amik cangkul, and try to enter the house. Risau gak kut2 mangkuk ayun tu ada lagi dalam rumah. When confirmed, there's nobody inside the house, we went upstairs. Konpem.... kena rompak! Abih semua sepah. Lampu kipas pun siap terpasang lagi.

This is how they got in our house. We thought, it safe when put a padlock. It's not!

He called the police. What a shocked! Utk hari tu je, rumah aku ni dah rumah ke15. Allahhh!!! Sungguh berani penjahat2 ni semua. Yang kuar ajor tu, derang sempat lagi minum air oren kat dapur rumah aku! Abih patah pemegang jug air aku! Mintak2 sakit perut sampai pecah terkeluar usus! Geram weiiii!!!

Then, dear hubby went to police station to lodge a report, while I'm waiting another police to come. The police advised, to put a clamp on the grill. Sebab cangkuk padlock dekat grill to tak kuat. Pencuri guna kuku kambing (aku pun tak tau cemana rupa natam tu), kejap je, boleh patahkan. He take the pic as well. Then sapu serbuk karbon to trace the finger print. Unfortunately, no finger print was found. Masa duk buat tu, they got a call and I heard that the police ask the caller to stay at home. Aishhh... ada kes pecah rumah lagi tuh! Suddenly, I feel unsecure even in my own house.

This the clamp. Dear hubby bought it right away after the incident

Papa gonna missed his notebook...huhuhuhu

Malam tu, semua kaum kerabat datang. Dari Maghrib, sampai kul 2 pagi. Tak renti2. Tuan rumah pun penat. But, we really appreciate the thought. We're not alone. Based on police, the thieves were followed dear hubby from bank, or maybe a week before to know our routine. Kalo tak, derang takkan tau masa tu takde org sebab keta lagi satu ada kat rumah. Budak yang akak sebelah jaga cakap, dia nampak 3 org Chinese masuk rumah aku, naik BMW. But he's too afraid when he saw them, he went inside his house. Adehhh... pencurik pun dah upgrade dah skang. Naik BMW ko!!!

Make sure to put a clamp at every joint of grill

The lost? Actually not much. Yang mula2 aku tau konpem ilang ialah laptop dear hubby and all my jewelleries. Tapi barang kemas aku lah yang paling banyak. Rantai tangan je ada 4. Satu estimated around RM3k. Cincin lagik. Sib baik aku belom beli rantai labuh yang aku suh mak aku carikan. Memang terkilan, tp I try to think it in different way. Thank God we're not home. Semua selamat. Alhamdulillah. And 1 more thing, I know how they can get in. At least, we can do something about that coz we think we 100% safe when we put a padlock at everywhere. But, we realized, they still can got in.

Seriously, I'm still in trauma. When I heard anything in the middle of the night, I woke up and my heart beating real fast. Mintak2 ini lah kejadian terakhir. Semoga kami semua dilindungi Allah. Aminnn...

To all... do not keep your valuables in the master bedroom but keep it the place they're not expected it to be kept. Contoh, dalam almari anak2. Put a clamp for every joint of the grills, keep your gate locked, even for 5 mins left. Dan yang penting, sentiasa amalkan ayat Kursi sebelum kuar rumah, utk pendinding. Semoga perompak tidak berkenan ngan rumah kita. Walo apa pun, tawakkal lah kepada Allah. Dia menjanjikan yang lebih baik utk kita... we're not realize it yet.

5 comments: said...

malang tak berbau.. (cakap mmg senang, tapi, saborlah..).. mmm (bmw curik gak tuu..)..

Audriena said...

huhu.... takuknyo aku baco citor mung. seriau weh... ni nok keno beli padlock and take a drastic extra precaution nih....

tapi naseb baek tak dok gapo2 family mung. as you said, hok ile tuh, bendo tok bernyawo. of coz terkilan, no doubt bout that. besar dugaan mung. allah saye ko mung so family tuh, tu Dia teh mung tuh.

sabar beb.

nik_raihan said...

g-ha: meme saspek BM curik jugok.
nazrah: tu la... maybe ada yang aku tersasar sblm ni, Allah nak igtkan. terima lah semua dgn redha. insya allah... akan dibalas berlipat kali ganda. aminnn

Juliaty said...

nik..sorry to hear about your lost.sakit hatikan..aku tahu apa yg ko rasa..aku pun trauma sampai skrg. skrg rumah baru aku pasg alarm system sebagai tapi still rasa tak secure. takpelah like you said, think positive. at least benda tuh jadik masa korg sume takde kat rumah..kalau bercakap pasal polis. mmg hampeh..takdenye dpt tangkap org tuh..kitaorg dah ada gamba CCTV sume, at last apa kitaorg dpt. tak menda.. dpt sakit hati jee.

nik_raihan said...

yeah, aku penah baca entry ko pasal rumah ko kena pacah tu. mmg trauma kan? maybe kita tak expect langsung mende ni jadi kat kita. sekali kena, hambik ko!!!

tuhan nak uji kita tu. so, redha lah