Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Eye on Malaysia and Zoo Negara

In front of the wheel

Been there actually quite sometimes ago. But got no time to update this blog due to unforseen circumstances. Hehehehe... aku pun tak tau apa yang unforseen sangat tu kununnya...

Last Christmas holiday, kebetulan BIL, SIL, MIL, FIL, nephews and niece were at my home in KL, we decided to go to Melaka. Jalan2 rumah mak sedara hubby aku kat sana. Arrived around 12.30 pm. After the guys performed Solat Jumaat, we had our lunch. Pas tu jalan lagi ke rumah another uncle yang stay kat Melaka.

Lepas tu, round2 bandar Melaka. Masyaaaa...rakatttt! Sungguh ramai umat manusia. Nak parking pun sket punya susah. Jalan2 at last nampak signboard to Eye on Malaysia. Terus je masuk area tu. Akhirnya... aku berpeluang naik menda alah tu after been introduced years ago. Tiket mahal gak weh. RM20, but if you show your MyKad, you'll get 50% discount. So, sploh hengget for adult, kira acceptable la.

Iqmy during the ride

After 5 rounds, dah kena turun. Ok la tu. Worth it la. Kalo round bebanyak kali kan... nyampah lak. Lepas solat Asar, layan bebudak main game kejap. Si Iqmy sengih dengan lebar sekali time naik kapalterbang tu. Siap tak bagi abang along dia nak pegang. Cehhh... cam dah besar sangat.

Posing sket

My PIL stay a night kat rumah adik dia tu, while me n family back to KL. Sampai KL dah dekat kol sploh malam. After had a dinner at our regular restaurant, we went back home with hectic!

Kecoh 2 badik ni

The next day, SIL and her family are going back to Kelantan. But, to accomplish her mission, nak masuk Zoo, kitorang pun bawak la masuk. Haisshhh... kat sini pun ramai yang amat umat matnusia. Mood aku dah spoilt tgk org ramai2 ni. Tok berehi kawe...

Tiket nak masuk sini lagi mahal. After discounted price pun dah RM20 for adults. Dah lah nak naik tram kena beli tiket lain. Takleh ke kira free je? Hehehehe.. tak puas hati wooo...

Aihhh.. anak apek mana lak ni?

I guess kat Zoo Melaka binatang lagik banyak. Zoo Negara ni cam banyak kawasan yang kosong. Kut2 natam tu bercuti ke tak tau la tuh. Anyway, I really like it when saw the kids were really enjoy the trip. At least, masuk sekolah, boleh bercerita ngan kekawan.... gi situ, gi sini masa school break ni. Kalo tak, takde benda nak update. Ahaksss.

Around 2 pm, dah kuar dari zoo. Fuhhh... penat wa cakap lu! SIL pun teruskan perjalanan derang to balik kampung while we straight to Carrefour Wangsa Maju. Cari makan jap. Lapo! Thank God masa ni Iqmy dah lentok habihs. Tewas sblm sampai Carrefour pun lagi. Penat sangat la tuh, cam la dia jalan sendiri. Penat mak bapak dia duk dukung, kejar dia sana sini.

We went home around 5 with double hectic!

The kids with their cousins

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