Friday, November 14, 2008

What a day...

Yesterday, I had a meeting with Government agency at 10 am. So, I just went to Putrajaya directly from home. No need to go to office since our Project Manager ask to do so. Memang rileks banyak lah aku pagi tu. Kul 8 baru mandi. Bebudak pun dear hubby yang hantarkan ke nursery. Sib baik aku dah cek handbag masa pagi tu sebab rerupanya purse aku tertinggal kat ofis! Cehhh... cemana boleh tinggal ni??? Dah lah fuel indicator dah menyala2. Aku mintak ngan dear hubby 50 hengget nak isi minyak. Hal lain, pikir kemudian.
Called collegue aku kat opis, hampeh... dia tak sampai ofis lagi. So, called clerk suh cekkan ada tak purse aku dalam drawer. Sah! Memang ada!!! Suh dia simpankan. Lepas meeting, aku amik dari dia.
So, gerak dari rumah around 9. Singgah nursery bagi susu, isi minyak dulu, then went straight to Parcel E. Reach around 9.30. Tetengok Kak Ayu pun tengah park Escape dia. Enter the lobby, we saw our Project Manager already there, with our sub-cont discussing the project's matter. Then the meeting goes...
By 12.30, meeting done. Biasa lah... acara makan2, borak2, gossip2 with the meeting members. Around 1, we all went out from the building. While walking to the car park, the PM told that he's not going to the office since he got migrain. Aku ngan Kak Ayu ngan excitednya cakap... kitorang tanak masuk ofis gak, bleh? PM just senyum then replied, ok! Waaaa... suker...sukerr...
So, terus balik umah. Nak singgah shopping mana2 pun tak leh sebab takde purse.
Lepas solat Zuhur, lepak2 sambil tgk tv. Suddenly I heard somebody entering the house. Cuak giler aku! Sekali tgk... cehhhh...laki aku daaa... Dia kena jadi pengawas peperiksaan for SPM. So today ada paper pagi je. Kebetulan...
Suddenly, hubby ask to watch Quantum of Solace. Aku on je... We went to JJ Cheras Selatan to catch a movie on 3.45. While queuing, dear hubby check his pocket. He left his wallet at home!!! Ciiiissss... Masa tu kul 3.30 and kitorang duk kira2 nak tgk kul 3.45 or the next show on 4.20 coz we plan to have a meal first. Sekali... dah takde duit tu, terpaksalah balik rumah. Yang lawaknya, nak bayar parking pun korek syiling dalam keta. Tapi mesin parking tu tanak terima lak. Sib baik ada sorang apek belakang aku. Nak tukar ke not singgit, dia pun takde. Aku pun pinjam je JCard dia. Nak bayar, dia refuse. Thanx a lotttt
Berkejaran balik rumah nak amik wallet, masa on the way tu lah hubby aku kata, patut lah wallet tertinggal. Dia tukar pakai seluar lain. Hiii... masa ni lah nak tukar suar lain. Saja cari pasal. Sampai rumah, dah 4 lebih and I dun think we can get JJ by 4.20 to catch that show. Selak2 paper, kat Alamanda show begin at 5. So we went to Alamanda. Problem pulak anakanda2 nanti sebab habih kul 7. Satu hal lak kena call the bus driver nak suh hantar Haiqal kat nursery instead of our house. But, the driver didn't take the call. Finally, call Kak Su and she agreed to pick up the kids. Phewwww.... banyak betul dugaan nak tgk James Bond ni.
The movie quite good except I need to try to understande the storyline as fast as the movie goes.
The show over around 6.45. Speed up to Kak Su's house. Sian... Haiqal ngan baju sekolah, Iqmi lak dah lentok. Tu la... mak bapak berpoya2 lagi. Best nya kalo hari2 cam ni.... Wakakaka
On the way went back home, I got a message from Mc Na stated that 'Cik keno api. Kritikal!'. Whatttt??? I feel like my heart stop beating! I call Mc Na, but she ask me to call our mother instead. So I did. Cehhh...Siot je... My dear mother was doing well. Kena sket je kat tangan. Cisss... aku geram betol ngan adik aku sorang ni. Sesuka ati kata kritikal! Kenaling kak loh kawe weiii
Hari ni lak... akak cleark tu boleh tertinggal kunci locker dia kat umah plakkkk... Purse aku dalam locker dia tuh. Terpaksalah aku jadi PATI untuk weekend ni sebab takde IC. Cehhhhh

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