Friday, March 5, 2010


Last 2 weeks (I guess) Haiqal come back from his school and told me he wanna join Pengakap as his ko-ku. Yeah… I know that every pupils need to join a ko-ku. It’s mandatory. So, I said…”OK”. Then he told me “Nanti mama kena tempah baju tau”.

I dun know that a "Pengakap" uniform could cost us up to RM100! Huh... giler mahal barang skang ni. And it's not included the pants. The shirt only! I remembered, during my primary school, I use to be a "Pengakap" too. But the uniform was not that costly, because the next year, I change my ko-ku tu Tunas Puteri. Hehehe… buhsan maaa. Again, the uniform pun my mother can afford it even I just wear it for 2 or 3 times only. Hehehehe… kes malas nak gi kelas petang2. Baik duk rumah main masak2. Hahahaha!

The pengakap boy

Last weekend, we went to Professor’s and bought him that uniform. Walopon mahal po bedil (my mother’s word) we have to buy it. No choice. But, I have to sew myself all the badges and logos. Ceh! Satu keja lak nak menjahit. Because of we bought it on Sun (evening) so there’s no way for me to sew it. Ngan budak Iqmy tu, ngan nak iron baju nyer. Memang no chance at all.

Isnin, balik sekolah, Haiqal keep asking me to sew it. He need to wear it on Wed. I have to sew it by Tuesday la. Terpaksa jugak. As I know that it’s impossible for me to do it at home, I brought it to office. Walopon tak tau boleh jahit ke tak, aku bawak je. Sekali, lepas lunch, aku pegi tempat kawan aku. Selamba aku jahit kat situ, sebab tempat dia agak tersorok and tak seglamer tempat aku. Hehehe… maka sakseslah projek aku hari tu.

Sibuk berkebun

When I came back home, I show it to Haiqal and said “Haa.. dah siap mama jahit. Esok dah boleh pakai”. Knowing my dear son tu, kalo dia nak, memang tak nyempat2. Bosan kalo dia asik tanya. But then, he replied “Esok takde ko-ku la. Esok sukan” Waaaa!!!! Marah nya aku!!!

Tapi, ok la… at last it’s was done. So I can spare my time doing something else instead of sewing his uniform this weekend.

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