Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The messes

Whoever coming to my house will notice how messy the house is. Thanx a lot to lil Iqmy for that. Dia cam tau2 je mama dia ni memang ‘takde keja’! Adehhh… frankly speaking, I really tired of doing all the house chores. Kalo sapu ruang tamu, it will only last for 10 mins (max dah tu). That boy will ‘help’ me and sometimes he ‘teach’ me how to tidy it up. Ooo… sungguh mencabar jiwa raga. End up, I just let it be. Letih wooo…

Last wiken, was planned to be a gotong royong day mengerah tenaga. But, I just manage to do some laundry – which is about 2 round kut. There’s another 2 round to go. Baru nak lipat kain, si Iqmy dah datang nak tido. Maka, ngan aku2 sekali lah tergolek

After Asar, we went out for groceries. Balik dah malam… end of the day, nothing was done.

So, I planned to do it on Sun lak. But, pepagi lagi tetiba dear hubby said out loud “Sapa nak tgk wayang gi mandi cepat”. I looked at him with biar-benar-look. He just smile and asked me to get prepared. Hmm… terbantut lagi lah keja aku.

Alice in wonderland

We went to JJ and looked for a ticket. Sblm tu duk diskas2, nak tgk ceriter apa. Haiqal choose ‘Jumbo Gajah Biru’ which was rejected without hesitation. Ahahaha… tak best langsung pilihan dia. We picked Alice In Wonderland walopon Julie kata cam tak seswai ngan budak2, aku gamble je sebab aku nak tgk. It was 12 o’clock but the show is at 6. Takde keja kitorang nak melanguk kat situ sampai show time. We decided to go back home, lepak2 dulu. Lepas Asar datang balik.

Karaoke session...

When we were about to leave, dear hubby come out with his crazy idea “Jom karaoke!”. Actually, he did asked for it a dozen times before, but I just ignore him. This time, aku pun ikut giler cam dia lak. Lepas book for a room, maka melalak lah kitorang dalam karaoke box tu anak beranak. Hahaha… best gak weh! Boleh diulang tayang lagi pas ni!

Lepas tu balik rumah. Haiii.. tgk ,keadaan rumah… lemah semangat aku. Tp memang takleh nak buat apa. Selagi budak kecik tu tak tido, mmg aku takde peluang nak buat keja. Tu pun time iron baju dia dah bergantung kat kaki… merengek mintak susu.

Before the show started... pose kat poster dulu

Lepas Asar, we went back to JJ. Just about the show to start, we bought Alice in Wonderland combo. What a creative… they put the popcorn into the hat. Comelllll! During the show, Iqmy really behave. Kali ni memang dia duk diam and we can concentrate on the movie. Ada lah kekadang bunyi sore, tp sebab ramai budak2, so… boleh diabaikan.

Sampai rumah that night, nothing much can be done, just ignore all the messes. Huhhhh… ntah bila rumah aku nak nampak cam ‘home sweet home’ balik. Asyik nampak cam kapal pecah je….

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