Friday, March 19, 2010

Our so-called-holiday!

Last Wed, during performing Maghrib prayer… suddenly … black out! Arghh… marahnya! Looked around to the neighbour houses. Confirm! Satu taman mmg black out. Skang kan musim panas. So, tak sampai 5 mins, everybody in the house become uncomfortable. Sudahhh… cemana nak tido malam ni? Bukak tingkap pun takde angin. What if the black out last until the next morning? Huhhh… ada yang mandi masa tido!

Not long after the black out, some of the neighbours already went out. Ye la… tak tahan duk dalam rumah ngan panas cam tu. Finally we packed our bag and headed to Presscott Hotel which is only around 5 km from our house. Hahahaha… takde keja. Tido hotel malam tu kitorang anak beranak. Saje mengabihkan duit la tu…

Kedekut... suh abang long tepi sampai nangis2

Dear hubby got a class that night. So, after finished his class he went back to our house to check on the electric. Caiiittt!!! Dah ok la pulak. Takkan nak checkout dah kan? So… tido je lah kat hotel tu. Aku plan esoknya, I’m gonna late to office. Takde hal la.

The next day, after having a breakfast (tak best langsung) at the hotel café, we back to our room to packed. Sekali, si Haiqal nak mandi berendam dalam bath tup lak. Layan je lah dulu. Tetengok… around 12 jugak checkout. Pas tu Iqmy got an appointment with dr at 2.30. Nak masuk keja hapa kejadahnya masa tu. Maka… EL la aku hari tu!

Habih conquer kerusi, duk atas meja lak

Dear hubby said… takpe la.. kita kira holiday la ni. Dah lama si Haiqal complaint tak gi holiday, stay at hotel as we used to be a long…long...time ago!

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