You were not born a winner, and you were not born a loser. You are what you make yourself be...
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Ok… ceritanya… I applied for AL last Monday. Kununnya nak berpoya2 selepas cuti skolah habih. Haiqal masuk sekolah, dear hubby keja balik, Iqmy will be sent to his nursery, so I got a chance to bermalas2an at home sweet home. Sambil do some house chores that being ignored lately. Hahahaa….
Tapi, ye la… Allah got a better plan for me instead! On Fri tu, Iqmy got a fever. Selalu pulak demam dia skang ni. What makes me worried about him is, I afraid if his temperature going too high which already happened before. So setiap kali demam, mmg kena jaga leklok.
Sat, we went to our regular clinic. The doctor pun dah kenal and he’s quite worried with his condition. Takut gak kalo2 kena denggi ke. So, he asked us to look how his condition is within 2 days. Kalo on off cam selalu, kena buat blood test la.
Sun, his fever seems the same. Lepas makan ubat ok, but after 2, 3 hours, his temperature become increased back. Both of us slept around 4 or 5 hours for 3 days. Memang letih, tp keadaan Iqmy yang demam tu yang membuatkan kitorang risau.
Mon – my so-called-berpoya-poya-day, we went to clinic again. This time memang kena buat blood test. Sian weiii kena cucuk kat tangan nak amik darah. Melalak2. Tak sampai ati aku tgk. Pulak tu urat dia kecik. Lepas cucuk, darah tak kuar. Kena urut2 tangan tu baru kuar. Sedih siottt!!!
Alhamdulillah… the result was negative. The reason of his fever is because of virus. Demam virus la doktor kata. Make sure he finishes the antibiotic in order to get rid of that damn virus.
Tues – I went back to office. Hari ni kebetulan our CEO would like to treat us (selected only) for lunch. Hehehe… aku yang tak terlibat dalam projek tu pun tetiba termasuk dalam invited list. Join je la… Gi makan kat Nando’s je pun. Lepas makan, sempat aku shopping beli baju sepasang. And mascara! Ntah apa kes aku beli natam tu. Nak pakai pun tak reti. Maybe sebab Revlon ada sales, jadi aku tergoda. Caiiittt!!!
Wed – aku lak demam. Selsema. Tp yang paling kronik, aku sakit mata. Bengkak woo… kalo solat, time sujud tu, rasa nak tercabut bijik mata. So, aku MC. Went to clinic, doctor suspected to be dengue. Sudahh!! And I got 2 days MC. Hehehe… suker wooo!
Thurs – MC day, but today I really feel sick. Rasa lemah semacam… demam seems ok, but selsema and batuk become worst. Mata pun dah ok walopon still sakit. Sempat gi JJ ngan dear hubby kunun nak tgk wayang cerite Remember Me. Sekali takde pun movie tu, dah abih ke ekkk? Kempunan nak tgk Robert Pattinson ku!
Fri – masuk opis with really uncomfortable condition. With runny nose, coughing… phlegm, sungguh menyiksakan. Dah lah ada meeting petang tu. With a lot of outstanding matters to be taken care of. I just manage to do some letters and report for project progress for the coming meeting. Then I called Project Manager mentioned that I dun think I can join the meeting. I need to go back home and take a rest. Thank God, he so understanding. So, around 12 I went back home.
At 3, dear hubby arrived home and asked me to go to hospital for blood test. Uwaaa… takut seyyh!!! We went to KPJ Kajang. Siyes aku takut!!! Sakit lagi rupanya amik darah ni walopon aku selalu kena amik masa peknen dulu. Alhamdulillah… the result was negative as well. Lega…
Malam tu… Iqmy got a fever again!!! Uwaaaa!!!!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Our so-called-holiday!
Not long after the black out, some of the neighbours already went out. Ye la… tak tahan duk dalam rumah ngan panas cam tu. Finally we packed our bag and headed to Presscott Hotel which is only around 5 km from our house. Hahahaha… takde keja. Tido hotel malam tu kitorang anak beranak. Saje mengabihkan duit la tu…
Kedekut... suh abang long tepi sampai nangis2
Dear hubby got a class that night. So, after finished his class he went back to our house to check on the electric. Caiiittt!!! Dah ok la pulak. Takkan nak checkout dah kan? So… tido je lah kat hotel tu. Aku plan esoknya, I’m gonna late to office. Takde hal la.The next day, after having a breakfast (tak best langsung) at the hotel cafĂ©, we back to our room to packed. Sekali, si Haiqal nak mandi berendam dalam bath tup lak. Layan je lah dulu. Tetengok… around 12 jugak checkout. Pas tu Iqmy got an appointment with dr at 2.30. Nak masuk keja hapa kejadahnya masa tu. Maka… EL la aku hari tu!
Habih conquer kerusi, duk atas meja lak
Dear hubby said… takpe la.. kita kira holiday la ni. Dah lama si Haiqal complaint tak gi holiday, stay at hotel as we used to be a long…long...time ago!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The messes
Last wiken, was planned to be a gotong royong day mengerah tenaga. But, I just manage to do some laundry – which is about 2 round kut. There’s another 2 round to go. Baru nak lipat kain, si Iqmy dah datang nak tido. Maka, ngan aku2 sekali lah tergolek
After Asar, we went out for groceries. Balik dah malam… end of the day, nothing was done.
So, I planned to do it on Sun lak. But, pepagi lagi tetiba dear hubby said out loud “Sapa nak tgk wayang gi mandi cepat”. I looked at him with biar-benar-look. He just smile and asked me to get prepared. Hmm… terbantut lagi lah keja aku.

Alice in wonderland
We went to JJ and looked for a ticket. Sblm tu duk diskas2, nak tgk ceriter apa. Haiqal choose ‘Jumbo Gajah Biru’ which was rejected without hesitation. Ahahaha… tak best langsung pilihan dia. We picked Alice In Wonderland walopon Julie kata cam tak seswai ngan budak2, aku gamble je sebab aku nak tgk. It was 12 o’clock but the show is at 6. Takde keja kitorang nak melanguk kat situ sampai show time. We decided to go back home, lepak2 dulu. Lepas Asar datang balik.
Karaoke session...
When we were about to leave, dear hubby come out with his crazy idea “Jom karaoke!”. Actually, he did asked for it a dozen times before, but I just ignore him. This time, aku pun ikut giler cam dia lak. Lepas book for a room, maka melalak lah kitorang dalam karaoke box tu anak beranak. Hahaha… best gak weh! Boleh diulang tayang lagi pas ni!
Lepas tu balik rumah. Haiii.. tgk ,keadaan rumah… lemah semangat aku. Tp memang takleh nak buat apa. Selagi budak kecik tu tak tido, mmg aku takde peluang nak buat keja. Tu pun time iron baju dia dah bergantung kat kaki… merengek mintak susu.
Before the show started... pose kat poster dulu
Lepas Asar, we went back to JJ. Just about the show to start, we bought Alice in Wonderland combo. What a creative… they put the popcorn into the hat. Comelllll! During the show, Iqmy really behave. Kali ni memang dia duk diam and we can concentrate on the movie. Ada lah kekadang bunyi sore, tp sebab ramai budak2, so… boleh diabaikan.
Sampai rumah that night, nothing much can be done, just ignore all the messes. Huhhhh… ntah bila rumah aku nak nampak cam ‘home sweet home’ balik. Asyik nampak cam kapal pecah je….
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Celebrities... so what?
Actually, that day, I skipped my work to go to JJ for their JJ Fiesta Day. Haishhh... aku pun tak tau la... dadah apa JJ dah bagi kat aku ni. Ketagih semacam! Risau gak aku. Hehehehe...
Around 10.45 am, my dear friend dah get ready with her car, and texted me "Jom!". Sepantas kilat aku locked my lappy, grab my bag, then lenggang kangkung masuk lift. Bahagianya hidupppp!
Sampai JJ, I noticed that my JCard was expired. Aisehh.. kena renew dulu la. JJ counter pun sket punya lembap service. Kena amik no tu. Tp, sebab semangat coping berkobar2, I keep myself calm. Take the no, then walk around the mall. Tak koser aku nak duk tercongok situ. Baik cuci2 mata sket sambil aim nak beli apa.
Agak lama aku jalan2, tak jauh... to make sure that I can keep my eyes to the number being announced. When it's just a number left, I start to get ready, but still moving around. Aku tak gi kat kaunter lagi kut2 lama lagi nak naik no aku. Sekali, cepat lak. Maka berlari2 anak la aku. Belom sampai ke kaunter, dah panggil the next no. Tp pedulik hapa aku! Menonong je aku ke kaunter, then sat on the chair while giving my JCard to be renewed. Makcik yang no lepas aku pun datang claimed that her no was called. Aku kata la no aku sblm tu. Boleh dia kata "Dah awak lambat.."
Amboihhhh... bukan lambat setengah jam pun makcik woiiii! Yang jaga kaunter pun tak nyempat2 tekan no lain. Aku tak kira, aku duk je situ and I told the counter girl, "Saya nak renew". Makcik tu aku ignore je. Budak kaunter tu pun amik card aku and proceed.
Lepas tu aku dengar ada sorang makcik lagi cakap... "Awak kaunter sana, bukan sini". Aku pun toleh. Haiii... sorang artis rupanya. Pakai tudung itam. Tapi ada aku kesah? Lantak la. Budak kaunter pun cakap "Nak renew semua kaunter ni, kaunter sana nak redeem rebate". Hehehe.. aku menang! Aku buat bodo, but I noticed her eyes were staring at me. Nak je aku balas balik. Tp... tak de keja la ehhh!
Sampai la siap card aku, she still staring. Cam tak puas ati aku potong (bila aku potong?) line kawan dia tu. Arrrr... pegiii daaa! Igt aku takut?
Masa kawan dia dah siap renew and they moving to escalator, sempat aku jeling si artis tu. And I noticed that she's still looking at me. Lantak ko la... nak jeling sampai naik juling ke, hapa.. igt ko artis ko boleh potong line sukati? Hampehhh....
Sebab dah banyak masa aku terbuang kat situ, I just manage to buy a pair of shoes. Then we went back to office sebab dah kul 12.30. But... at 2.30, before I go to Serdang for a meeting, sempat aku cilok masuk JJ sekali lagi. Kali ni... mission accomplised!
Friday, March 5, 2010
I dun know that a "Pengakap" uniform could cost us up to RM100! Huh... giler mahal barang skang ni. And it's not included the pants. The shirt only! I remembered, during my primary school, I use to be a "Pengakap" too. But the uniform was not that costly, because the next year, I change my ko-ku tu Tunas Puteri. Hehehe… buhsan maaa. Again, the uniform pun my mother can afford it even I just wear it for 2 or 3 times only. Hehehehe… kes malas nak gi kelas petang2. Baik duk rumah main masak2. Hahahaha!
The pengakap boy
Last weekend, we went to Professor’s and bought him that uniform. Walopon mahal po bedil (my mother’s word) we have to buy it. No choice. But, I have to sew myself all the badges and logos. Ceh! Satu keja lak nak menjahit. Because of we bought it on Sun (evening) so there’s no way for me to sew it. Ngan budak Iqmy tu, ngan nak iron baju nyer. Memang no chance at all.
Isnin, balik sekolah, Haiqal keep asking me to sew it. He need to wear it on Wed. I have to sew it by Tuesday la. Terpaksa jugak. As I know that it’s impossible for me to do it at home, I brought it to office. Walopon tak tau boleh jahit ke tak, aku bawak je. Sekali, lepas lunch, aku pegi tempat kawan aku. Selamba aku jahit kat situ, sebab tempat dia agak tersorok and tak seglamer tempat aku. Hehehe… maka sakseslah projek aku hari tu.
Sibuk berkebun
When I came back home, I show it to Haiqal and said “Haa.. dah siap mama jahit. Esok dah boleh pakai”. Knowing my dear son tu, kalo dia nak, memang tak nyempat2. Bosan kalo dia asik tanya. But then, he replied “Esok takde ko-ku la. Esok sukan” Waaaa!!!! Marah nya aku!!!
Tapi, ok la… at last it’s was done. So I can spare my time doing something else instead of sewing his uniform this weekend.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
100% ~ valuable lesson

A boy and a girl were playing together. The boy had a collection of marbles. The girl had some sweets with her. The boy told the girl that he will give her all his marbles in exchange for her sweets. The girl agreed. The boy kept the biggest and the most beautiful marble aside and gave the rest to the girl. The girl gave him all her sweets as she had promised.
That night, the girl slept peacefully. But the boy couldn't sleep as he kept wondering if the girl had hidden some sweets from him the way he had hidden his best marble.
Moral of the story:
If you don't give your hundred percent in a relationship, you'll always keep doubting if the other person has given his/her hundred percent This is applicable for any relationship like love, friendship, employer-employee relationship etc. Give your hundred percent to everything you do and sleep peacefully
"Its Nice To Be an Important Person . But, It is more Important to be a Nice Person."
Just a quick review
Yeahhh... I'm busy. Damn buzy!!! Hehehe...
So, a quick review je la...
- Quality Audit was held on one whole week. Giler lama... but I can't involve on it full time due to tight up with other project meetings.
- The closing meeting was successfully done with 8 NCRs. Tetiba aku kagum boleh raise that much of NCRs.
- Last Mon - Iqmy fell down from his baby chair! Which made me blame myslef for letting him by himself while I did the dishes in the kitchen. Abih lebam belakang dia. Siannnn
- The day after, he fell down AGAIN from our bed! Aduhhh... igtkan dah pass main naik turun katil. Kali ni tersilap percaturan barangkali! Kemek abih botol bedak. Rasanya kepala dia kena botol bedak tuh. Lagik sekali aku kena marah!
- Semalam... I've got a meeting at IMR KL. Since this is my first time, I plan to take a cab. But, my project manager said, it's just near HKL. I told her, if you can show me the way, it's not a problem. Sekaliiii.. sesat barat daaa. We took almost 1 hour to get there. Hebat tak? Dari Keramat ke Kg Baru makan masa sejam!
- I manage to buy a new fabric for my baju kurung.... walopon kat tailor aku ada lagi dalam 5 pasang tak siap2! Persediaan raya maaa...
- Semalam.... hangin sungguh ngan laki aku. He change my Saga to be parked at the right side of our house, when I used to park at the left side. As a result, I failed to get it out of the house. Ngan hati panas terpaksa aku tukar keta gi keja! Minyak takde lak tuh! Ditambah ngan jalan jem ya amats... memang the bad morning for me la! Tak pasal2 dia kena marah.
- Packed shedule for me starting from last 2 weeks. This weeks, I got PDR, ORM, project meeting, project kickoff, townhall to attend to. Arghhhh... malasnyerrrr
- Internal quality audit for my company will be held next month. Gotta be prepared with all the documentation and evidents. Sedap bagi NC kat orang... sekali org bagi NC kat aku... nganga la!!