Thursday, June 30, 2011

The special day throughout the year

All the special dates and days in our lives this year finally past. In fact, I have a plan... kunun nya nak buat makan2 sket. Just for relatives and close friend. Tp tu la... plan semata2. Pada hari kejadian, semua tak jadi!

We start on Feb - 20th. Dear hubby's birthday. He's in bz mood with his job. I did ask him to have a special dinner that night. But he refused, and just asked me to cook. Haishhhh... no special maaa... Even for the birthday present, he bought himself and claimed it back. Boleh ek gitu? Takpela... at least dia beli barang yang dia nak. What was that??? Netbook LENOVO okeh!

May -5th. My birthday. Since it fall on weekdays, no party2 allowed! Letih okeh. Same as his brithday, no special dinner though. We just went for a movie which is THOR (sib baik citer best!). Dear hubby even insist me to accept the BB he bought for my bday present. Cehhh... tak aci langsung! Boleh pulak main paksa2 cam tuh. Time dia, bleh je pilih2 hadiah. Tp sebab BB tuuu... aku terima la. Hahahaha!!!

May -31st. Dear Iqmy turns 3! Since the father condition not so well (please refer to previous posting) so, no special event happen. Sian Iqmy. Tp tak tau apa pun budak tuh. Lagik kesian, sampai skang tak de beli apa2 utk dia. Adussshhh. Sorry my dear. Tak tau nak beli apa. Menan dah berlambak. Buat sepah je.

June 19th. Two events here - Haiqal turns 10 and our 12th Anny. Pun tak sempat buat apa2 yang special. Candle light dinner??? Not even close. Siyes... we dunno how to celebrate. Just watch a movie - The Green Lantern. Kuar lepak2 anak beranak cam biasa. Haiqal present this year is Arsenal shoe bag with Arsenal cap as his request. Tp cap tu dah jadi cam hak milik papa. Our anny gift? Yilleekkk! Ntah... aku pun tak tau nak bagi apa or nak mintak apa. Just wish that our family will always bound together, our marriage will happilly ever after.

Tp aku sebenarnya ada order cake and choc for all of us. Plan nya, hari ni baru nak collect. Nanti aku snap2 gambar ekkk.

So... we'll see how our special days gonna happen next year lak. Insya Allah...

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