Monday, June 13, 2011

All in one

Okeh.... banyak yang aku nak postkan kat sini since my laptop kena tarik balik. tp memandangkan laptop baru lambat lak nak mendapatkannya... maka tak sempat2 pun aku nak hapdet. lagipun kat tempat baru, aku banyak outesen you... letih mak!

So, I just make it short by posting in one entry. Let's do it event by event.

Event 1: Adib Birthday

Venue: Mc Yah's house - Bangi

The birthday cake

Superheroes and superheroins of the day

Event 2: Minggu Saham Amanah Malaysia 2011

Venue: Ipoh, Perak

With BSN mascot. Amy ke hapa namanya ntah!

Ngan Ustaz Ashraf youuu...

With the colleagues at the booth

My roomate - throughout the event

Dinner on the last day of the event.

Event 3: Naimian Reunion - D'Angguns
Venue: Singgahsana Hotel, PJ

Ex-5 Ummu Habibah or Penta Science Mono. Ramai ni je yang attend

Naper aku sorang je yang lompat? Tak mengikut arahan la org lain ni!

Sila vote saper paling gedikss

Event 4: Shukrie's Wedding (anak sepupuku)

Venue: Kota Bharu, Kelantan

Ketua Rombongan... ada pin tu okeh!

Mak2 orang

With the bride and groom

Majlis di rumah pengantin lelaki, mak pengantin menten kepoh!

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