Friday, July 2, 2010

Haiqal report card day

Day: Friday
Date: 2nd July 2010
Venue: 1st - sekolah kebangsaan
2nd - sekolah agama.

Yang buhsannya being a teacher's wife is - you need to do all you kid's schooling staff by urself. Dun expect your hubby will have time to accompany or to replace you for registration, report card, PIBG meeting or any other school-related-things as he'll not allowed to take leave for such thing. If he can, it's should be miracle then!

So, today... as I got permission to come a bit late, I manage to attend Haiqal's report card day. Same as previous year actually. Akakkkkk jgk yang pegi. Takpe la... anak nyer pasal, give n take la. Furthermore, it not a big deal anyway...

This year, Haiqal's performance is not much differ from previous year. From his 1st test to mid term test, it was decreased in term of percentage,overall marks dan jugak kedudukan dalam kelas. Haiii... cemana ni? But, looking at the way he study at home, I shouldn't expect more. What do you think a boy can do during his exam while at home he just watching TV for 24/7? To be worse, his parent just babbling at him without any intention to check on his homework? Arrrghhh... bad parent!!!

He can be considered quite brilliant since all the answers just come from his focus during class. Tu pun cikgu dia kata bukan 100% focus. Kekadang berbual, main, gaduh ngan kawan2. What makes me impress, his teacher said, she observed that Haiqal is actually such a clever boy. Kalo based on result tu kira bagus la kalo nak compare ngan cara belajar dia. Kalo dia belajar bebetul, memang bleh better result.

Homework? I asked his teacher, takde bagi homework ke? Tak penah buat homework kat rumah. He said, he'd done it. Cikgu dia kata, homework dia ok. Semua siap. Tp kena tgk tulisan la. Kalo cantik, maknanya dia buat bebetul. Kalo tunggang langgang, maknanya kalut nak main.

Sekolah agama - the same applies. Attitude ok. Just like normal kids la kalo main2, gaduh2. Overall, ok la. I guess he's more like me during my primary school. Tak penah buat homework, tak penah study. Hehehe... so, dun expect he'll got a boombastic result la! Lagi mau tanya ka? Conclusion, he grows as normal kids. So... let he enjoy his kid year as I am.

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