Not much different for me actually during this school break. Yelah.. yang break nye school, bukan opis aku. Kalo opis aku, harus aku terlompat2 kegumbiraan!
At first, we're planning to have a trip to Langkawi. But when dear hubby got a duty for SPM, we have to cancel it then. SPM punya last paper pun 16 hb (esok la). So nak bercuti haperrr!!! Finally, the kids just stay at home je lepas balik kampung hari tu. Dah mak bapak kerja... tak dapat nak nolong dek nonnn.
As for my BIL, he got a chance to came to KL for their holiday. Takpe la dah dia laki bini cikgu. Cuti sesama. So, we just hang out together during his stay. Belanja makan2, go to a relatives house and so on. He need to back to KB after got a call that he need to attend a training at Terengganu. It really spoilt his wife mood which planning to stay longer. Takpe la.. dah keja kan.
While dear sons, really enjoy staying at their taska. They got a lot of activities during school break. I manage to see the schedule. Monday - mengecop, Tues - lipatan, Wed - kolaj... and so on. OOooo.. bagus gak kan? Takde lah melanguk je tgk tv.
Apart from it, my sis (Kak Cik) and her family were off to Turkey. She'd bring along our mom and her SIL to enjoy the vacation. As I'm able to sent them off at KLIA, it's makes me jealous! Bila la boleh aku gi vacation jejauh cam tu? Insya allahhh... one fine day!!! Papa... aja aja fighting!!! Hahahaha... Harus lah laki aku keja kuat!
Aha... I've got new hp last Sunday due to my old hp sunddenly kiok. Saje nak perabih kan duit and aku pulak dah usha2 another hp a day before. Tp lepas je beli hp baru, ok lah pulak hp lama. Ciiissss!!!
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aja aja fighting!!!
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