Monday, October 12, 2009

Alahaiiii... Haiqal

There's a lot of 'unpredict' event happen to him. Makes me wonder, is it the things all mums should faced? Being a mum to a growing child, need a lot more patience that I ever expected to be. Adehh... siyes penat. Both mentally and physically!

Last 2 weeks, he did told me that he accidently brought wrong bag to his Agama school which he took his Kebangsaan school bag. Knowing that day's timetable, there'll be Feqah subject which his teacher quite 'garang cam hantu' (dia kata la..) he become afraid if his teacher will get mad. So, his friend and him back to Taska to exchange the bag! By walking all the way from sekolah agama to his taksa!

The distance quite far wehh... kalo ikut km, ada lah dalam.... 2, 3 kilometer. Cuak seh!!! Dah lah kuar skolah cam tu je. Without getting permision from the teacher, jalan kaki kuar skolah ngan kawan berdua ke taska nuuuu. Adehhh laaa... Terlampau berani kut! Luckily the driver still at Taska masa dia sampai tu. And thank God, the driver sent him and his friend back to school by van.

Aku nak marah lelebih pun tak leh sebab benda dah lepas. But I did warning him, not to do it again. Lantak la cikgu tu nak marah ke apa, dun ever get out from the school, kecuali dah abis waktu. Ala.. cikgu pun takkan nak marah buta tuli kalo student salah bag. Kalo marah gak.. budus la tu.

That was 2 weeks ago nyer story. Last week lak, he called me around 12.30 pm on Thursday. Heran gak aku, cemana bleh call time ni. Dah lah aku kat Putrajaya masa tu. Rerupanya, dia suh check kasut sekolah dia ada tak dalam keta. Laaa... tertinggal kasut ke?

But, when I checked, there's no such thing. And I did remember, he brought out his shoes that morning. Tp let say kalo betul tertinggal dalam keta, mmg tak sempat aku nak hantar pun. Sudahnya... tak gi skolah lah dia hari tu.

Balik keja, when I pick them both up, aku cakap, dalam keta takde, kat rumah pun takde. So, kat ner? Hilang wehh!!! Kasut dia bleh hilang kat taska. Ada lah tu sesapa yang tersilap amik. Tp, sampai Jumaat, still MIA. Maka, last Sunday, beli kasut baru lah jawabnya.

As far as I concern, during his schooling nih kan, there's a lot of things were missing. Baju sekolah pun hilang tuh! Botol air, jangan cakap la. Tahun ni je dah 4 botol air hilang. Pencil case, colour pencil, pencil, eraser... tu normal dah hilang. Sampai aku terpaksa beli 1 pakej yang ada 3 or 6 masa mula2 skolah. Parah wehhh ada anak skolah ni. Tak kira baju sekolah yang kena ada 10 pasang! 5 pasang sekolah agama, 5 pasang sekolah kebangsaan.

Tu baru sorang. I dun imagine if I get more of it! Mau pengsan aku. Tabik spring to the mums that can handle all those things!

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