Notice that this blog have been left un-attend for quite some time. Normal la if I got a long leaves to be utilized. 100% focus on raya thingy – of course!
Well, this year raya goes as well as other years. Except my lil Iqmy injured his toes due to his uncontrolled behaviors. It’ s almost torn out, but his expression like it’s just so so. Quite surprise when I checked on his toes condition. Hisshhh memang ganas la!
At night, we’d played bunga api and mercun which coz a hole on roof one of the villagers. Hahaha… lawak sungguh. Her doter came to us and complaint about her mother’s roof. Kitorang dah buat speku – mercun terbang ikut sini, cemana bleh berlubang lak atap rumah dia? Tak logikkkk.
Sekali my brother and cousin (the mastermind) go and have a check. Betul laaa… berlubang siottt! Tak pasal2 my cousin kena repair. Wakakaka… what a moment!
Raya theme is baby blue (ke?). We’re sweet as always. Hehehe…. But, Iqmy really spoilt the mood. He got cranky during our photo session. Habih tak cun gambar! Tension mak.
1 thing to highlight here, baju rayaku rerupanya ada plus minus 15 pasang! Tu pun ada satu tailor yang takleh harap – tak siap sampai ke hari ni. Nowonder why I sengkek by end of the month.
And, I managed to do posa 6 again this year which was celebrated yesterday. Waa… what a victory! Sempena raya posa 6 jgk, I’ll be wearing baju raya to office until end of Syawal. Walllaaaa….!
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