Monday, September 27, 2010

Eid Mubarak

Salam Aidifitri to all….

Notice that this blog have been left un-attend for quite some time. Normal la if I got a long leaves to be utilized. 100% focus on raya thingy – of course!

Well, this year raya goes as well as other years. Except my lil Iqmy injured his toes due to his uncontrolled behaviors. It’ s almost torn out, but his expression like it’s just so so. Quite surprise when I checked on his toes condition. Hisshhh memang ganas la!

At night, we’d played bunga api and mercun which coz a hole on roof one of the villagers. Hahaha… lawak sungguh. Her doter came to us and complaint about her mother’s roof. Kitorang dah buat speku – mercun terbang ikut sini, cemana bleh berlubang lak atap rumah dia? Tak logikkkk.
Sekali my brother and cousin (the mastermind) go and have a check. Betul laaa… berlubang siottt! Tak pasal2 my cousin kena repair. Wakakaka… what a moment!

The cunnest pic we managed to captured

Raya theme is baby blue (ke?). We’re sweet as always. Hehehe…. But, Iqmy really spoilt the mood. He got cranky during our photo session. Habih tak cun gambar! Tension mak.
1 thing to highlight here, baju rayaku rerupanya ada plus minus 15 pasang! Tu pun ada satu tailor yang takleh harap – tak siap sampai ke hari ni. Nowonder why I sengkek by end of the month.
Deretan some of baju rayaku (adalah dalam 2,3 psg je sempat pakai). Tahun ni, gue giler kain cotton daaa...

And, I managed to do posa 6 again this year which was celebrated yesterday. Waa… what a victory! Sempena raya posa 6 jgk, I’ll be wearing baju raya to office until end of Syawal. Walllaaaa….!

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