Thursday, August 26, 2010

Rusak ana punyer program…

My plan is to have sedondon clothes until raya ke-4. I already bought all the clothes as my planned colours which were settled before posa lagi. I love to wear the same colour with my family members as it’s not always we can do it pun. Time raya2 cam gini je la bleh buat. Sajer suker2

So, I gave my fabrics to different tailors, which I thought I can try which one suits me the best. Before posa hari tu, my sis Mc Na already inform me that we have to delete one of the tailor from our list since there’s some conflict between them. Actually tailor ni ada kena mengena ngan Mc Na. And this is not the 1st time I sent my fabric to her pun. Tp due to unforeseen circumstances, we have to find an alternative.

Masa tu, I already sent 2 fabrics to her. When Mc Na inform me about their conflict, I afraid that she might not sew my fabric tu. So, I did call the tailor and asked about it. I asked whether she can sew it as my size sbb sblm tu dia ada buat baju aku jadi besar gedabak! Kalo tak leh, aku cakap nak amik balik kain tu. Fortunately, she promised to finish it by raya. So, I was relieved. Oklah… kira lepas raya la banned dia. Hahahaha… sempat tu!

But, last week, Mc Na called me said that the tailor already sent the finished baju kurung Pahang and 1 fabric – un-sewed! What makes me upset is, the un-sewed fabric tu la actually the one that I planned to wear sedondon tuh! Urrghhh… marahnya. Her reason was takut tak kena pulak kalo jahit. Huh!!! Siot je!

Then, after that, my cousin lak texted me. She said that the tailor not capable sew the fabric I sent earlier. Ops.. before that, let me explain about the fabric. Actually it’s like Lycra yang org buat tudung tu. So, kainnye tebal dan agak licin sket. Not all tailor is capable sewing that kind of fabric.

The tailor introduced by my cousin ni tried to sew it, tp dia kata benang cam tak melekat kat kain. So, did surrender and asked me to buy another fabric in order to replace it. Again, that fabric la yang aku planned nak pakai sedundun tu jgkkkk! Uwaa… frust teramat siottt!!!

Last Tuesday, I went to fabric store kunun nak cari kain ganti. Tp pusing punyer pusing, I can’t find one. End up, balik without buying any!

Nampaknya, pakai je baju2 mana yang ada kat my regular tailor tu. Mintak2 ada lah yang kaler ala2 sama. Bleh la buat pengubat luka hati ku ini…. Uhuk…uhuk…

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