Thursday, October 7, 2010

Life is short

Last week or maybe last 2 week, I've got a news that a colleague of mine was admitted to HKL due to brain tumor. Actually we’re not that close since I’ve never work with her for a certain project. Just kenal gitu2 time makan, borak2, gurau2 je. She’s spent most of her time at project sites. We used to be in the same subsidiary but in different department.

At first, I thought she is older than me because she addressed herself as ‘Akak’ to me. So, aku pun memang panggil dia Kak Faezah sbb igt dia lagi tua until one day, when we’re having breakfast at our company café, she asked what year I was born. Then, we’ve found out that I’m older 1 year. Hahaha… motip??? Nak bagitau aku lagi awet muda la!

Ok… sambung cerita. From the other colleague, aku diberitau dia selalu sakit kepala. Tp igtkan sakit kepala biasa. So, dia just take acti-fast, pain killer and sort of things. Until one night, she collapses at her home. Masa tu dia dah kena sawan. Her husband and parents bawak gi spital Ampang. Dr diagnose that she got brain tumor and need an operation to get rid of it. Then, the next day, she was transferred to HKL.

At HKL, series of operation was done. Mula2 air dalam kepala dia blocking. Tebuk kepala. Then, operate sbb the tumor has grown fast and pressed her nerve. After that, another operation has done ntah utk apa lagi... aku lupa lak. Poor her…

After the last operation, she’s in coma. Tak sedar2. But still in stable condition. Last Monday, an announcement was made to inform us that she’s in critical phase. Sembahyang hajat dan bacaan Yassin dibuat lepas solat zuhur kat surau kompeni. On Tuesday, I went to HKL to pay her a visit. In the morning, we got news that her reading was increased from 25 (++) to 60 which is we thought she passed her critical phase.

Masa aku sampai, kitorang tak dibenarkan masuk. Semua kena kuar termasuk husband, kakak dan abang dia yang tgh tunggu dia. Dalam hati dah berdebar2. Tak lama lepas tu, the dr asked for her husband and closed relatives. Kitorang semua still tunggu kat luar ICU sambil berdoa everything gonna be fine. Then, her sis came out and we heard her conversation thru phone saying “Siti dah takde”. Haaa??? Aku terkedu disitu. Terasa cam tak percaya.
Kemudian, mak dia datang dan masuk tgk dia. Aku dah tak bleh berdiri. Siyes sedih! Lebih2 lagi bila mak dia kuar, then duduk sambil menangis. Kitorang pun ramai2 masuk. Tgk dia dalam ICU dalam keadaan wayar berselirat sungguh menyentuh hati. She’s gone already. Tak sangka sungguh! She’s just 31… yeah… betul la life is short!

Bila anak2 dia datang, I can’t hold my tears anymore. Sian sungguh tgk anak2 dia berlari excited nak tgk mak dia bila makcik dia panggil. Mula la aku teringatkan anak2 aku. Tak sanggup rasanya nak tgk anak2 ditinggalkan dalam usia muda cam tu.

Arwah dikebumikan the same day after Asar. Kekawan cerita, luruh airmata derang bila tgk anak2 dia menangis tak henti2 dari hospital sampai masjid. Dan meraung2 cakap “Nak mama…nak mama…”. Ya Allah… hanya ENGKAU yang mengetahui hikmatnya.

Itula…Ajal tak mengira usia, bangsa, darjat atau apa saja. Bila dah sampai masanya… tiada siapa dapat menghalang. Life is too short… live it to the fullest!

Al-fatihah untuk Siti Faezah. Semoga berada di kalangan org2 beriman. Amin.

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