Thursday, November 19, 2009

Proud to be a mom!

Semoga abang long sentiasa success. I'm always pray for you.

Last Tuesday, Haiqal back from school and give me 2 letters from his school. 1 from his Agama school which is indicate that he's be choosen to be a prefect next year! Waaa... bangga seyhhh.... walopon aku tak tau apa kriteria anak aku ni dipilih, tp it's really an honoured to him! Attached to the letter is the responsible for him to be carried out once being a prefect.
Biasalah.. kena jaga disiplin, kena behave and all sort of things. Jauh beza ngan mak dia yang selalu kena panggil masuk bilik disiplin. Hahahahahaha!!!

And another letter is from sekolah kebangsaan which congratulate him (and us as parent) coz he is going to get "Anugerah Kecemerlangan Akademik". Ohhhh.... what a news! Really proud of him!!! Goshhh...
Stated in the letter as well, inviting the parent to Hari Anugerah tu to see their kids got the gift. Sekali tgk date.. esok bersamaan dgn Jumaat 20 Nov 09. As noted that dear hubby kena jadi pengawas peksa SPM, so, I'm the one who should attend la. Tp aku lak, baru je dapat tau ada meeting kat Putrajaya at the same date, same time! Arghhhh... dilemma sungguh! Kalo tak gi, sian woo... bukan senang dia nak dapat anugerah ni! And for the first time he is qualified ni, aku rasa memang wajib la attend to give him a support. Lagipun, it's about academic! Kalo setakat buat persembahan pun kemain kalut mak bapak gi, takkan academic ni aku nak buat tatau kan?
I made up my mind to skip the meeting and go to his school. When I inform to our project manager.. alahaiii.. dia cam... OK! Tu je! Kalo aku tau awal2 takde lah aku risau nak pegi mana satu.
So, tomorrow is the day! For sure I'll be the proudest mom to watch dear son in stage and get his gift or medal..or what-so-ever it is. Harus aku jadik camerawoman berjaya esok!


Dang Fatiha Subkylatifputri said...

hahahaha..mama dia kena msk blk disiplin atas sbb paling x glamer tue - g tgk konsert 4u2c..hahahahaha..adoiii..aku xtau kalu mung banggo nk cito ko budok2 tue lawok aa...

nik_raihan said...

ceh!!! mung sajo menjatuhkan reputasi aku deng!
tp siyes lawok! cam budak budus je sanggup jalan kaki tu gi kat perpustakaan. siap paka baju sekoloh!
aku tau mung nok join, tp cover2.