Wednesday, November 18, 2009

IKEA visit

It must be something wrong somewhere if dear hubby intent to go to a place which is other than he used to. Maybe he got hidden agenda or maybe he done any wrongdoing! Hehehehe... speku...speku!

Last Sun, all of sudden, dear hubby asked all of us to get prepared. "We're going out" he said. As usual, Iqmy will be the last to get dressed up. Masalah sungguh nak siapkan budak ni. Nak suh mandi pun kemain memujuk. Adehhh... letih

Aksi manje Iqmy ngan Bang Long

So, once we got in the car, I asked dear hubby "where are we heading to?". Quite surprise when he replied "I dunno. Just follow my instinct" Ceh... nak kuar pun kena ada instinct ke? Poyo je. So, on de way ntah kemana2 tu, aku pun mulalah bukak citer sedih. Aku kata sejak kawin tak penah pun pegi jalan TAR. Sekali dia smash aku balik... nak kelentong pun berpada2 la. Tak penah pegi tu memang tipu sesangat la tu, katanya. Ahaksss... aku terkantoi disitu.

So, kunun in order to satisfy my comment, he said "Okeh...hari ni kita gi jalan TAR". But I'm not buta jalan sangat... aku tau jalan kitorang lalu bukan ke arah tu. We end up at IKEA! Waa... walopon tak mencapai target, tp aku happy jugak la sebab at last we're out of our normally routine. Selalu kalo tak Alamanda, JJ. Takpun Tesco or Giant. Buhsan mehhhh...

Matnusia kat sana... masyaaaarakattttt!!! Ramai ya amatsss! Nak parking pun sket nyer susah! Berpusing2 sampai naik muak. At last we got it while we're almost fed up and thinking of going back! Saja nak suh abis kan duit.

Suker betul berkepit ngan abang dia

IKEA? Biasa la... cuit tu cuit ni, pegang tu pegang ni, berangan tu berangan ni... and all of those things. Bila bayar... beratus gak ek. Rasa cam tak banyak pun barang. Hehehe...

Lepas tu kitorang pegi melantak kat Tony Roma's. Adehhh.... sungguh lah aku serik bawak budak nama Iqmy ni! Malu kat org. Muka comot tak yah citer la. Ngan berlari sana sini, ngan campak fries and others, ngan menyorok bwh meja... complete! Tak bleh nak menikmati makanan langsung!

We arrived home at 10 pm with hectic both phisically and mentally. Not to mention 'wallet'ly as well. Hahahaha... But then, it's fun actually spent out by running and guarding the boys all over the mall. Sekali sekala la... kalo selalu.... pengsan aku!

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