Friday, October 14, 2011

A remarkable comments

Suddenly, some comments from surrounders come to my mind and it's a remarkable one. Okeh... lets see how the comment look like:

  • I'm in a teleconversation with one of my colleague, it's about one document that we need to submit in order to get the tender doc. In fact, the customer didn't mention in the letter that we have to submit 2 copies of it. But, whilst my boss attending the tender briefing, he called me asked to prepare one more copy. ORIGINAL with our Managing Director signed on it. Huhhh... what a prob. Nak berjumpa MD satu hal, nak jumpa CEO another matter lagi. But, we managed to prepare it and submit to the customer. Aku sendiri yang hantar to the customer tuh. The next day, we have to submit a clarification (another tender but the same customer) While the person is sending it, suddenly the customer asked about the doc that we should submit a day before. Sekali, aku cakap la aku dah submit. Aku sendiri handed it over her. Then I heard, my colleague describe myself as 'kurus2, putih2, tinggi2'. Waa.... konpem kalo org dengar would imagine how pretty I am! Hahaha.... bangga sehhh!!!
  • It's happen last 2 or 3 nights kut. Dear hubby is looking at the picture we captured using our camera. We just get back from an unplanned vacation. Kalo aku rajin aku post citer ni lak. We went to Genting and stay a night at Awana. So, while looking at the picture tu, dear hubby said "Cantik sebenarnya bini abang ni!" Of kos la referred to me! Then I take a look at it, to see which picture my dear hubby is looking at. Ooo... the pic 2 of us taken by Haiqal. Then I said "Tp tak nampak gemok ke? Tembam pipi tuu.." Dear hubby replied "Biar la... abang suker jerr..." Sooo... it does ekk??? Mmg aku makin gemok la even dear hubby pun cakap cam tuh? Uwaaaa!!!
  • Another comment by dear Iqmy. "Mama.. mama... tenyok ni!" sambil pegang kepala aku duh pusing ngadap dia. Me "Ye.... apa???" geram la... kita tgk kusyuk tgk Korea. "Tenyok sini! Ebi tayangggggg mama!!!". Waaahhhhh... what a statement! I love you too son!
  • This is the latest statement which was said directly in front of me. It's lunch time and we're having our meal while chit a chat from one story to another. Then we talked about maid. Sorang kakak ni, I address her as Kak Yah, told that her relative kuttt... had a maid which love to took other's belongings. Dengan kata lain... suke mencuri la. Yang tak tahan tu, Kak Yah cakap "Sayang tuannya cantik, lawa, tinggi, putih cam Nik ni la..." Waaa... konpem aku cun... Muahahahaha!!!

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