Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Gift

Sekotak coklat as Xmas Gift

Got a gift from boss for last Christmas Eve. Motif bos aku baik bagi hadiah??? Hehehe.. ada makna tu sebenarnya!
Walopon dia bagi pada semua staff dia, naper aku rasa dia nak bodek? Even appraisal aku tahun ni pun she give a guite good result. Kalo promote thn depan, memang aku cium2 jgk minah tuh! Sib baik pompuan. Cina pun cina la...

See the note?

Actually, I request for transfer to another subsidiary, and it's schedule to be effective next year. Sebab? Tak yah la aku nak highlight kat sini. Just to mention that, I've been approached by my ex-boss. So, lepas buat memo, terus bos aku ada masa nak jumpa kunun nak diskas about this. Biasala... kalo dah nak kuar tu, baru la rasa nak appreciate org. Suh la pulak aku pikir. Aku pun buat2 pikir, tp dalam hati aku dah nekad.
Then, kena pulak ngadap CEO. Sama jugak, siap offer aku kat tempat department lain kut2 aku tak seswai ngan department skang. Huh.... pemandangan biasa la tu...
Well... still waiting the letter from HR for this transfer. Hope my new year will bright up with this news...

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