Wednesday, June 9, 2010

When your friend 'gone'

Semalam... aku tertinggal hp kat rumah. So sepanjang hari tu, aku bekerja ngan aman damai (aman la sangatttt) without any phone calls except through my office phone.

Balik keja, check my handphone. I got various missed called, 1 voice msg and maybe 3 or 4 sms. But 1 sms makes me feel like miserable all night. The sms stated "Salam... Mc Sya takdok doh. Al-Fatihah.." from my friend name Elly. Terus aku called dia but she didn't take it.

Mc Sya in memory...

10 mins then, she called me back. Dia baru je lepas cakap ngan another friend of mine. Pasal kawan kitorang yang meninggal ni la jugak. It seems awkward to see our close friend passed away. Rasa ralat sangat. Nak2 pulak aku dah plan nak tgk dia masa gi Penang hari tu. Tp tak sempat due to our packed schedule.

Actually, aku baru je tau dalam last month. Arwah ni seblm ni ada breast cancer. Dah operate buang sebelah. Then dalam 2009, dia batuk tak henti2. Dr check, dia kena paru2 berair. Again, she went through an operation to remove the water in her lungs. I guess during the operation, doctor find out that she's actually diagnosed by lung cancer stage 4. Aduhhh... what a huge news to be faced of.

Her 2 adorable kids

Poor her kids. She got 2 kids which is both are sons. Just like me. Knowing her kids were left behind... it's really hard to accept it. Even to imagine it. Semoga suaminya tabah dan boleh menjaga anak2 sebaik ibu mereka.

Her family. All photos taken from her facebook

So, to all NAIMIANS, sedekahkan la Al-Fatihah untuk arwah. She's been suffered long enough. May she rest in peace.... We'll surely miss you Tuan Syahirah Tuan Yaacob aka Mc Sya.



Suya said...

sedihnya :( buat kak sya :(:(

nik_raihan said...

betul la puya! sedih sangat. especially masa tgk gbr anak2 dia. siannnn... tak sanggup rasanya nak hadapi such thing.

Dd said...

mc sya ni lembut orang nya... aku ingat lagi kat dia...

sedih dan insaf sungguh aku rasa.

al fatihah... said...


nik_raihan said...

mc dee - yeah, meme dio jenis lembut. one thing hok aku igt, handwriting dio comel sangat!

g-ha - al-fatihah... amin