Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hari Kecemerlangan Akademik

His result.. improved from his previous test.

Okeh.. about his result, frankly speaking I'm not that proud la... sebab kebanyakan subjek cam Maths and Sci still rendah. Tp, should give him a reward since he got 3 subjects with excellent marks. Menurut dia, he and Nur Suaidah tu both got same marks for all those 3 subject - BM(Pemahaman), BM(Penulisan) and Pendidikan Agama. So I assumed he will get 3 certs. Tp bila tgk buku cenderamata tu, aikk... satu je?

Bila balik, I did asked him. Tp kata dia, maybe sebab budak pompuan tu dapat no lagi baik dari dia, so cikgu letak budak tu 2 certs and he only got 1. Takpela... maybe next year he got more. And I believe, majlis ni really motivate him to work harder! Mudah2an he got better next year!

Masa yang ditunggu2 akhirnya tiba... dipersilakan... Nik Muhammad Haiqal Nik Muhammad Shukrri...


And the most important, must be my dear son on stage! Bangga weh!!!

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