Monday, May 31, 2010

A brand new day for lil Iqmy!

31st May 2010, Iqmy turns 2. That's life. Time flies so fast and we can't ever imagine that our lil baby have turn to a big boy. Seems like I just give birth to him yesterday, but today... he is 2!
Iqmy on his 1st day
Walopon melalak time ni, tetap nampak cute!
Actually, having him in our family really make a huge changes in our life. He cheer up our day, messing around the house, fill up our time with what-so-ever he intends to and so on a baby used to do.
Abang Long try to babysit him
Anak papa
We're thankful to have him as our next generation. And hope he's bring up well and be a successfull person, have a good attitude and always make us proud to have him! Insya Allah...

Start membuas...
To my dear Iqmy, HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY. We always pray for your success. May all the good things happen to you...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Message from the management...

Bonus for year ended 2009
We are pleased to announce that the Board of Directors has approved payment of bonus for year ended 31 December 2009 on the basis of each Division/Company’s performance.

Bonus shall therefore be paid to all eligible employees on the basis of the Division/ Company and individual employee’s performance in 2009. In this connection, we are pleased to advise that employees who are awarded bonus will receive their bonus payment together with salary for May 2010.

Thank you.

Apa yang boleh aku katakan??? Alhamdulillah... Rezeki...(Walopon dapat setakat celah gigi je)

Ok la tu.... bersyukurlah. Daripada takde langsung kan?

Erkkk... jom shopping!!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Photo shoot

It's our first time join this kind of thing. At first, it's never across to our mind, but when we passed it through, I asked dear hubby "Nak try amik gambar Iqmy tak?". Unexpectedly dear hubby agreed.

The result... as attached photos. But it coz us RM88 for only 10 pics in a CD. Baik la gi amik kat studio. Puas hati. Next time maybe....

Friday, May 14, 2010

Unexpected news

Dulu, masa kuar berita pasal amok2 ni, I've been told that the suspect was my sis's friend. Remember one amok case at Kelantan dulu? Which he murdered his mother, auntie and some other people...lupa lak berapa mangsa. Masa tu kan banyak kes amok2 ni. Rasa cam trend lak masa tu. Berjangkit - jangkit lak. Hari2 ada kes amok.

My sis told me that was her friend. MRSM student then further his studied at UTM. Kiranya bukan budak2 bodoh la mamat. Itu yang buat kitorang terkejut and we didn't expect it at all. Sian kan... budak yang cerdik boleh buat sampai cam tu. Tp mengikut kata kakak aku, memang dia ada masalah mental sket. Cuma tak sangka sampai tahap tu.

That was then.

Yang aku nak cerita, kan ada berita dulu yang sorang mamat kat N9 bunuh atuk, nenek, ayah and adik dia? Yang atuk dia iman ke lebai masjid tu? Mayat ayah dia was found un-head. Then the next day jumpa kepala bapak dia, ditanam kat Shah Alam. That was really a big issue masa kuar berita tu.

Baru2 ni, aku baru tau yang mamat tu sebenarnya satu U ngan aku dulu. Satu fakulti lagi. Maybe ada certain2 subject yang kitorang satu kelas. Patut la masa kuar gambar dia aku rasa cam familiar je muka dia.

Kawan dia cakap, dia kena tendang lepas tahun 1. And memang dia ada mental problem sket. Selalu cakap sorang2 and suke duduk sorang diri. Tak campur org sangat.

Itu lah... kesian dia... dah bahagian dia cam tu. Semoga dia sembuh dari penyakitnya dan boleh meneruskan hidup dengan baik pas ni. Insya Allah...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

What I got for this year Mother's Day?
  • A flower from dear Haiqal - he bought it at his school with his pocket money. I'll post a pic of it. Lupa la nak snap
  • A card from both of son - their nursery arrange a session for the card preparation. What a lovely card!

Lovely card from my dearest lovely sons

Inside the card

But, the most priceless presents are to have a healthy and lovely sons. Semoga mereka akan membesar dengan baik, menjadi anak yang soleh, taat perintah Allah dan sentiasa menyenangkan ibu bapa mereka. Amin

Priceless gift of all... both of them
Being a mother is the most wonderful thing. So... to all mother's out there... HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY. !

Thursday, May 6, 2010

It was blocked!

Buhsan nya when I've been told by a colleague that FB was blocked by our office network! Siyes buhsan! Cam lah semua org ni main FB sampai tak buat keja. Frankly, I'll not access it if I got tones of work.

And today, as I got some free times, I didn't manage to access it. And I left my broadband at home.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The simple celebration

Quite surprise that my new boss did remember my b'day and she even bought a cake. We have acara potong kek after meeting. Luckily, the meeting didn't drag up to 5 or 6 pm. Kalo tidak, mau takde mood dah celebrate2 ni.
A birthday cake from dear boss!

We just have a dinner at Secret Recipe with the kids. No candle light dinner. Just kalimantang light dinner. Ahaksss. But, it really touched me when my dear hubby insist to have a dinner even he had migrain. Thanx dear... no word can describe how lucky I am to have you!

The VVIP in my life!

Birthday present? Hehehehe...
Actually I'm not expecting anything from dear hubby. His love and attention are good enough for me.

A gift from dear hubby - as I wanted it.

But, he insist me to choose one. Anyway, instead of 1, I got 2 bottle of perfume as they sold it as package. Plus, I got a free bag.
Truthly, blessed to be me. Thanx GOD for bring all the joy to my life. And hope it'll last forever. AMIN...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!

Today, I'm officially a 32nd year old woman. Can be considered as a matured, grown enough, sophisticated lady (yea.. aku prasan sorang). In this year of age, all I can say is… I’m in comfort zone. What else that I want? Banyaaaakkkkkkk sebenarnya. Tapi, cukup la as what I got.

A birthday card from dear hubby...

  • Occupied with a good job - walopon perasaan tak puas ati sentiasa ada.
  • Joyed with 2 adorable sons. (Maybe I’ll get a daughter one day).
  • Loved by the most wonderful husband.
  • Surrounded by great family members.
  • Blessed with whateva we got today.


But… as human being… we always want more. Standard la…

Hopefully I'll always be:
  • Dimurahkan rezeki… yang melimpah ruah…of kos!
  • Dilindungi dari segala bencana, penyakit dan sewaktu dengannya
  • Dirahmati dengan anak2 yang soleh dan keluarga yang harmoni
  • Diberkati dengan umur yang panjang
  • Dicurahi dengan segala kebaikan yang berpanjangan

What a pleasant surprise. Pepagi bangun tgk ada kad dalam almari. Ok sket dari last year. Ada ke patut dia letak kad dalam drawer panties! Cittttt