Monday, February 22, 2010

Kisah Dongeng

Pada masa dulu, ada seorang budak lelaki tinggal di kampung bersama emaknya. Budak lelaki itu bernama Abraham Lincoln. Dia agak degil dan selalu tidak mengendahkan kata2 emaknya.
Pada suatu hari, dia makan sebiji oren dan menelan dengan biji2nya sekali. Emaknya melarang “Abraham Lincoln, jangan telan biji buah tu…” Tp dia buat derkkk jer. Dia makan sebiji lagik oren dan biji2nya. Emaknya melarang lagi. Dia makan lagi.
Esoknya, dia rasa sakit perut. Tp dia buat tak tau je.
Hari ke2, dia rasa dada dia lak sakit. Still dia buat tak tau
Hari ke3, sakit nya naik sampai ke leher. Sama cam sebelum nya, dia buat tak tau.
Hari ke4, mulutnya keluar daun.
Hari ke5, telinganya keluar ranting
Emaknya membawa dia jumpa doktor. Doktor itu bernama George Washington. Doktor cakap pokok oren sedang membesar dalam dirinya. Doktor tidak boleh buat apa2 untuk menghentikan pokok itu membesar.
Selepas itu, Abraham Lincoln bertukar menjadi pokok.


That’s was a story told by dear hubby to Haiqal after Haiqal accidently swallowed lemon’s seed. Ye ek biji tu seed? Hentam je la..!
Haiqal really worried about that and keep asking me n his papa a dozen times. To make him afraid, hubby told him Abraham Lincoln’s story. Once he said the boy’s name is Abraham Lincoln, I can’t help myself to burst laugh out loud. Lawak giler nama seyhhh… Actually, the story titled – Abraham Lincoln and the fairy tales. When he finished the story, the 1st question from Haiqal “Mana fairy tales nyer papa?”
Dear hubby replied “Haa… dan pari2 pun keluar…”
Aku gelak giler2. Adehhh… sakit perut.
Haiqal tanya aku lak "Betul ke mama?" Aku jawab "Entah..tanya papa"
Papa "Betul... pokok tu ada kat Amerika"

Then he continued "Esok, papa cerita pasal George Washington lak.." Again... I laugh out loud. Hebat tu nama...

Knowing my hubby, he really good in making a story. He can create whateva story, in any genre, at any time and no matter what situation it is. Usually, he’s the hero of his story. Except there’s no heroes in it.

The kids really love to hear that even finally the ending will reveal that he is the hero. Lantak la…

Unexpected Friday

Friday, I’m on medical leave. Reason? Because Iqmy is not feeling well. Apa kena mengena aku lak dapat MC? Hahahaha… aku mintak MC kunun nak jaga budak tu. Sekali doctor tu bagi lak. Hahaha… suke…suke… suke gilerrr!

So, pagi jemahat tu, bangun lambat. Haiqal pun aku cakap takyah gi skolah. Tp memang dia ni jenis rajin nak gi sekolah (cam mamanya!) So, aku pun gi hantar lah jugak walopon dah lewat.
Tengahari, after Haiqal back from school, we’re out for a lunch. Dun know what to eat, but dear hubby feels like Johny’s. So we went to JJ Cheras Selatan. I really not in Johny’s coz we already had it 2 weeks ago with my mum. But, since the next day is dear hubby’s b’day, I follow la…

Back home, dear hubby stop by at a fruit stall and bought durians. Again, I’m not a big fan of that. Tp kira ok lagi la sebab dah lama tak makan. I preferred rambutan instead.
That night, we have pulut durian for our dinner. And thank GOD, Iqmy’s fever is finally recovered!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The richest...

Ye.. sile pilih. Seswai utk dibuat laki angkat, abang angkat, bapak angkat, datuk angkat dan segala yang sewaktu dengannya...

The first attempt

I dunno what's happened to dear hubby when he suddenly comes with a plan to bring Iqmy for a movie. But I guess it’s some kind of bribe tu… for not letting me n kids going back to our hometown during CNY.
Ahaa… talking about balik kg ni, I remembered my telecons with my sis. Actually she and my bros were on their way to Kelantan from Johor when she called me. Asking me to go back home too. When I told them that dear hubby was quite bz with his so-called-business, they asked me to join my youngest sis instead. We stopped the conversation when I told them “tgk la… kalo jadi, aku balikla..”
Then my sis replied “Tok leh.. keno balik jugok. Keputusan mesyuarat agung menyatakan semua keno balik. Geng kito jange pecoh”. Hahahaha… siutttt…
Actually, the words ‘Geng kito jange pecoh’ is some kinds of slogan to us, meaning that all the siblings need to participate in whateva occasion that been planned to. Applicable to certains members only… I guess I wanna stick to the plan (tumpang Imah) to balik kg. But when dear hubby kuarkan dialog sedih dia, I have to cancel it. Saje je nak suh aku rasa bersalah!
That’s why he wanna bribe us by watching a movie. Oklah… boleh diterima la…

The hero of Iqmy's first movie ever...

It’s quite tough to pick a movie, an appropriate one to this little kid. His abang long already choose Wolfman, but was rejected due to the genre. Mana seswai kannn… I picked The Little Big Soldier, but the shows only start at night. Finally, we bought ticket for Percy Jackson, and the Lightning Thief. Gamble je la…

Penat membuas...

For the beginning, Iqmy really behave. Just sat on his papa’s lap and enjoy the popcorn. I was quite relief for his good behavior. Tp panas yang kusangkakan berpanjangan, rupanya last for only approximately 15 mins. Haishhh… sungguh seksa nak mengabihkan the movie when he started to make his own. We purposely pick our seats next to the stairs and it’s a good desicion, I might say. He likes to sit on the stairs and sometimes walks to our seats. I thought this is the longest movie duration that I ever watched!
The worst part is when he cried out loud when dear hubby grab his hand while he’s trying to go downstairs. Fortunately, music was quite loud to covers his voice. Kalo tak… harus aku kena kuar panggung.

Abang long pun tumpang penat

Walopun the storyline is quite good, but I dun think we can concentrate on it. Hishh… sungguh mencabar iman… After the shows, on the way back home, both of them sleep soundly in the car. Ngantuk sangat la tu.

We have to wait another 3 or 4 months for his next movie. Serik wooo…

Friday, February 12, 2010

Allah Plans

Some things are beyond planning.
And life doesn't always turn out as planned.

You don't plan for a broken heart.
You don't plan for an autistic child.
You don't plan for spinsterhood.
You don't plan for a lump in your breast.

You plan to be young forever.
You plan to climb the corporate ladder.
You plan to be rich and powerful.
You plan to be acclaimed and successful.
You plan to conquer the universe.
You plan to fall in love - and be loved forever.
You plan to be happy.

You don't plan to be sad.
You don't plan to be hurt.
You don't plan to be broke.
You don't plan to be betrayed.
You don't plan to be alone in this world.
You don't plan to be shattered .

Sometimes if you work hard enough, you can get what you want.
But MOST times, what you want and what you get are two different things.
We, mortals, plan.
But so does Allah (SWT) in the heavens.

Sometimes, it is difficult to understand Allah's plans especially when His plans are not in consonance with ours .
Often, when He sends us crisis, we turn to Him in anger.
True, we cannot choose what Allah wishes us to carry, but we can carry it with courage knowing that He will never abandon us nor send something we cannot cope with .

Sometimes, Allah breaks our spirit to save our soul.
Sometimes, He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, He allows pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, Allah sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes, He allows illness so we can take better care of ourselves.
And sometimes, Allah takes everything away from us so we can learn thevalue of everything He gave us

Make plans, but understand that we live by Allah's grace.
Although they plan, Allah also plans.

And Allah is always the Best of Planners.
No doubt about it...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Those were the days...

There's good and bad for using Facebook actually. The obvious one for the good side is we manage to get in touch with our childhood friend. I bet we've been lost contact each other more than 10 years ago. When we're able to get in touch ni... it's really refresh our memory. Ye lah masa budak2 dulu, we never expect how we could be during these days. Not even care about it actually.

The girls. Sengihanku menten sejak dulu rupanya...

To be frank, aku memang suka dapat jumpa balik kekawan lama. For info, masa sekolah rendah, aku just sekolah dekat ngan umah aku. Gi balik sekolah pun jalan kaki je. Kekadang naik beskal. Masa tu memang semua bebudak jalan kaki. Happening je masa balik sekolah tuh. Ada sorang cina ni, we address him as 'Tekok Aso' (meaning - leher angsa) due to his long neck. Actually, he is not scary, but all my colleagues really afraid of him. I think there's a lot of rumours being spread that he is a bad guy. Everytime, when we passed by his house on the way back home, we'll speed up our walking, and sometimes we'll run away. Tp hari tu dgrnya dia dah mati sebab rumah dia terbakar.

It's really suprised when my friend post our pics in his facebook. Finally, I managed to have my childhood pic. Lawak lak bila tgk gambar masa kecik2 dulu. Tapi terbukti, memang aku kiyutttt sejak dari kecik. Hahahaha...!

The boys. Semua kontrol hensem

How much are you willing to pay?

Being a human... there's so many kind of it. Even in one family, it not gonna be the same. Some tends to spend more, while others will not even they can afford it. Dengan kata lain, ada boros. ada kedekut la...

My sis told me, she asked her friend in US to buy her a handbag. COACH youuu... She already surveyed the price here, which is up to RM2K for the same pattern. When I heard about it, fuhhhh... giler! I'm not gonna spend that much for a handbag which only be used not more than 2 months in a row. Kalo aku la. I will feel bored if using the same bag for quite sometimes. So, I rather buy 10 bags which cost that much, and I can rotate it for 10 months. Brilliant, kan? Sapa lagi nak puji kalo bukan aku sendiri. Hahahaha....

Actually, she already bought a Guess for the price RM500. Tu pun aku rasa dah mahal giler. But, it really nice. Kalo buruk beli memahal cam tu, harus aku sumpah kaw2! I tried to find the same... ye la.. berkenan gak. And I end up bought a Giamax which only cost me RM119. Heheheh... Ok lah tu.. sama2 G gakkk.

Okeh... back to COACH. She said, if she ask from her friend, she can save more than 1K. The price is about RM800. Ohhh... tidak... tak sanggup aku kuar duit sebanyak tu utk sebijik bag. Aku rela banjer kaum kerabat makan. At least... kenyang perut. And I will get the credit for the treat, kan???

The problem is... her friend using the same bank as I am and she (my sis) got no account for that bank. Yang peliknya, when she ask me about interbank transfer, I said the bank will charge RM2 for each transaction using the different bank. Terus tak jadi nak transfer bila kena caj. Hampeh sungguh kakak aku ni! Berkira pulak bab tu!

Maka... aku lah jugak kena transfer ke acct kawan dia tuh. Cehhh... abih duit aku nak tranfer ke kawan dia tuh... aku igt nak caj 5 hengget la... aci tak?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Taken from Berita Harian

Pengadil tersilap ambil seluar dalam merah

RIO DE JANEIRO: Seorang pengadil menghadapi tuntutan cerai isterinya selepas mengambil seluar dalam wanita berwarna merah daripada poket seluarnya, bukan kad merah ketika satu perlawanan berlangsung. Carlos Jose Figueira Ferro mahu membuang padang seorang pemain, Paulo Coise, dalam satu perlawanan amatur di bandar Anama, lapor agensi berita Terra. Ferro sungguh malu hingga menamatkan perlawanan 20 minit lebih awal. Dia berkata tidak tahu bagaimana seluar dalam itu boleh ada dalam poketnya. - Agensi

My comment:
Lawak giler pengadil ni. Wakakakakaka!!!! Adehhh... sakit perut aku gelak!


Lately... I'm feeling lonely coz I'm always being left alone with the kids. Dear hubby quite busy since he's in initial stage of setup a business which he'd planned to run to. Haishhh... dah nak bertukar jadik bisnesman la plak!

I'm not complaining here. In fact, I'm always being left since years ago. I understand that he need to generate an income coz his wife lurveeee to spend. Ahaksss. But... dun put a blame on me. He's the one who encourage me to do so. So, blame him instead. Hahahaha...

Anyhow... as a good wife (kununnn) I'm always try to be:
  • A big fan of him.
  • A big supporter to him (ye la.. kalo dia banyak duit, aku pun tumpang kaya! Prospek masa depan tu...)
  • A good friend of him
  • An understanding wifey of him
  • An excellent lover...of course!

My weekend will always be me and the kids... only!


Monday, February 1, 2010

Uncomplished mission!

Episode... another failure...

It's been a while for attempting to eat satay Kajang. Walopon duk Kajang, tp we're not that obsessed with satay Kajang. Biasala.. kalo dekat mmg tak heran, yang jauh tu yang di kejar sangat. Hehehehe...

Previously, we've tried to go to Hj Samuri premise, but too crowded with the people. We dun even got a parking slot. So, we change the menu and went to another restaurant.

Last Sat, went back from Alamanda (saja jenjalan bawak mak aku) we give another try to Hj Samuri again. Before that, we have to pass by a kuil yang masa tu Thaipussam was taken place. Maka jem la disitu sebab ramai sangat geng2 India duk merayakan perayaan dia tuh. Ada bermacam2 tuhan. Sempat lah aku usha2 dikala merempuh jalan yang jem itu.

2 badik bekerjasama menjanamkan barang!

Finally, we managed to entered Hj Samuri premise. Matnusia mmg ramai same as our previous visit. Tp, gagahkan diri gak pusing2 cari parking. Lepas 2 kali pusing, ternyata mmg takde parking, dear hubby asked me and the kids to go inside and order the satay first, while he’s looking for a parking.

Menonong aku masuk 3 beranak. Fuhhh… giler ramai umat matnusia. And they just practice self service instead of table service (as per our last visit). Tu satu hal. Satu hal lagi, meja penuh beb! Haiqal suh naik atas. Mendaki lah tangga aku ni ngan mendukung si Iqmy. Sekali tgk.. tingkat atas tutup daaa… I dah hangen. Tp tahan dulu! Maybe sebab dah terasa nak makan satay sangat kut.

Really love trying on a game

Terpaksa lah aku menunggu tercacak tepi satu meja yang diduduki oleh kapel India. Wa dah lenguh berdiri, derang bleh lagi rancak berborak. Sabor je lah. Rerupanya, satay derang pun tak sampai lagi. Opss.. before that, Haiqal told me he want to go to somewhere else. Tak sempat aku halang, dia dah berlari pergi. Hampeh sungguh.

Dear hubby called kata parking takde. Suh aku kuar balik, tp when I told him that I missed Haiqal, terpaksalah dia park jauhhhh nun di hujung alam. Haiqal back to me before his papa arrived. Tp kena marah gak seround dua. Dia ni kan… suka ati dia je nak gi memana. Ni yang buat kitorang selalu marah.

Lepas dah duduk, dear hubby sampai, maka aku pun pergilah beratur nak order. “Ayam sepuluh, daging 5. Meja no 43” aku bagitau dgn konpidennya. Sekali budak tu kata “Ayam kena tunggu lagi sejam baru siap”. Terus aku cancel. Giler apa nak menunggu sampai satu jam. Dah lah sket punya susah nak parking, kena tunggu meja lagi. Nak kena tunggu sejam lagi??? Ohhh.. tidak!!!

Lastly, kitorang blah. Tp sebab mind setting dah nak makan satay, kitorang gi makan satay gak. Tp tak sedap nye… ya rabbi!!! Nyesal seumo hidup! Tu lah first and last aku makan satay kat kedai tu! Tobat wehhh...

He asked me to snap on him! Hamboihhhh